Thursday, February 7, 2008

Notable Virgo's

Amy Winehouse

(born 14 September 1983)

Even the Virgo bad girls have certain traits that make sense once examined.

By the way, Virgo women are rarely virginal and pure, contrary to archetype. Anyone who has dealt with them know all about their earthy sexuality. But even then, they have certain traits. They might flirt and even occasionally sleep around, but rarely do they seriously deal with more than one person at a time.

Boundaries. Virgos are all about boundaries. They are certain things they are loath to do and will resist crossing those boundaries.

Even Virgo prostitutes for instance, will only have one steady companion. At a time, anyway.

As does Amy Winehouse. Not even Virgos are immune to going downhill. But even then, they keep certain things to heart.

(Someday we'll discuss Rachael Ray..)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Virgo Stereotype #3

Stereotype: Virgo's are organised and neat

Umm, I personally dont know Virgo's that are anal neat freaks.

As a rule, Virgo arent necessarily the neatest people in the world, and can often be downright messy. Sure, there are those who like their place spartan and pleasant, but anal and neat? No.

In fact, most Virgo's would LIKE to live that stereotype - as they like clean and neat, they generally regard it as being somewhat unhealthy to be that fussy about keeping everything clean.

The stereotype probably arose and became canonical because the majority of Virgo's do share this trait:

They will clean up once to perfection, but get tired of having to do it over and over again.

However, Virgo's can be anal about other things....

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Notable Virgos

Tom Coughlin
(born August 31, 1946 in Waterloo, New York)

The coach of the NFL Superbowl winning New York Giants is a Virgo.

For Virgo watchers, he is a fascinating study, embodying many of the strengths and weaknesses of Virgos.

His well-known tendency for having strict rules, impatience with those who are unable to keep up and disregard for what people think of him sometimes obscures his hard work, intelligence, teaching skills and meticulous attention to details.

From the CBS News article: "Surviving Tom Coughlin"

The guy was maniacal in his job. I used to watch his players walk down the hallway and cross paths with him and lower their heads to avoid eye contact.

But underneath that turtle-hard shell was a soft, good man. He was a family man, who took endless amounts of ribbing from his four kids. He loved it, too. They loved watching him try to figure out how to work the television remote. Yet he was so demanding when it came to football he once made his youngest daughter, Katie, now married to Giants guard Chris Snee, stand up while watching one of his practices. She was a teenager then.

Coughlin was also kind and caring to people in the community, starting the Jay Fund Foundation for one of his former Boston College players who was struck down by leukemia. A golf tournament goes on every year, too. His visits to sick kids, rarely ever publicized, were commonplace. Those who saw those visits found it hard to believe it was the same tough football coach, his dealings with the kids bringing joy to their faces.

Good or bad, he is fun to watch.

the astrologically fluent, here is his chart:

Positions of Planets
Sun 7°16' Virgo
Moon 0°40' Scorpio
Mercury 23°43' Leo
Venus 23°18' Libra
Mars 13°52' Libra
Jupiter 25°11' Libra
Saturn 3°31' Leo
Uranus 21°28' Gemini
Neptune 7°13' Libra
Pluto 12°11' Leo
Chiron 20°36' Libra
Ascend 27°16' Cancer
Midheaven 9°32' Aries


Are Virgo's easy to live with?

Q; Are Virgo's easy to live with?

A: The short answer is No.

That's the short answer but not the whole picture. They only nag and are critical because they care. They're inherently restless, even as they seem calm. They are mental as their minds are always turning, even as it appears theyre stuck in one place. You have to be able to keep up with these complex and intelligent beings.

However, if theyve chosen you they will do their best to stick with you even as they constantly analyze on the 500 ways the relationship can go wrong.

Here's the flip side or how to keep your Virgoan around: Do not visit drama upon them as they dont do well with drama, and will soon regard you as an idiot if youre fond of this state of being. They will help you get where you want to go, but have little patience if you're not willing to straighten up and fly right. Unless theyve been broken and abused, they prefer a monogamous state. And that means you should too, or you will find what serial monogamy really means when they leave you for another.

For your own sake, do not mistake their helpful and generally contemplative nature for weakness. They possess spines of steel and are equipped with sharp tongues that they know how to use.

That said, they will do everything in their power to be good for you and to you. Theyre good to have on your side. And in your bed.