Q; Are Virgo's easy to live with?
A: The short answer is No.
That's the short answer but not the whole picture. They only nag and are critical because they care. They're inherently restless, even as they seem calm. They are mental as their minds are always turning, even as it appears theyre stuck in one place. You have to be able to keep up with these complex and intelligent beings.
However, if theyve chosen you they will do their best to stick with you even as they constantly analyze on the 500 ways the relationship can go wrong.
Here's the flip side or how to keep your Virgoan around: Do not visit drama upon them as they dont do well with drama, and will soon regard you as an idiot if youre fond of this state of being. They will help you get where you want to go, but have little patience if you're not willing to straighten up and fly right. Unless theyve been broken and abused, they prefer a monogamous state. And that means you should too, or you will find what serial monogamy really means when they leave you for another.
For your own sake, do not mistake their helpful and generally contemplative nature for weakness. They possess spines of steel and are equipped with sharp tongues that they know how to use.
That said, they will do everything in their power to be good for you and to you. Theyre good to have on your side. And in your bed.
thank you for this. i think i need to print this out and leave it for my boy to read (and remember!)
Hah. Sometimes I think people should come with instruction manuals. :)
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